A Grace that Sets You Free

There is a grace that will set you free. It’s a gift waiting for you. Read more here about what the Bible tells us about that freedom. {Free printable bookmark!}

Freedom. It’s a powerful word. It is a gift given through the most costly of circumstances.

When I think of freedom, I think of God’s grace. It’s a deep, deep love, wrapped up in a gift created for each one of us. If we will reach out and take that gift and experience the freedoms wrapped up inside it, we can move forward into a better place.

Here is what grace can do:

Because of grace we experience the Spirit of the Lord. Where the Spirit is, there is liberty. His grace sets us free from the bondage of the things that hold us back. When we turn to Him, we can experience that kind release and that kind of freedom in our lives.

Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. (2 Corinthians 3:17, NKJV)

His grace sets us free from the bondage of the things that hold us back. Click To Tweet

There is a grace that will set you free. It’s a gift waiting for you. Read more here about what the Bible tells us about that freedom. {Free printable bookmark!}

Because of grace, Jesus died on the cross for us. It was the ultimate sacrifice to set us free. And when we are set free in Jesus, we can be assured that we are free indeed.

Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. (John 8:36, NKJV)

Because of God’s grace, we have freedom in Christ. Because of that freedom, we can stand with courage to face whatever comes before us on any given day. In this liberty, we have the strength to refuse to go back to the bondage of the sins that have held us back. That kind of freedom is available for each one of us if we will take it.

Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage. (Galatians 5:1, NKJV)

Because of God’s grace, we know the Lord hears us. He will be with us in distress, and He will set us free. He doesn’t always change our circumstances, but He does always walk with us through them. We can know without a doubt that we are not alone.

Out of my distress I called on the Lord; the Lord answered me and set me free. (Psalm 118:5, ESV)

Because of grace, we will know the truth. And the truth will set us free.

And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.  (John 8:32, NKJV)

When we are set free in Jesus, we can be assured that we are free indeed. (See John 8:36)Click To Tweet

Focusing on these truths about our freedom in Christ which is all because of His grace, gives me peace, my hope and prayer for all of us.

Blessings dear friends!




*The image above is a bookmark I’ve made  for you with these verses and some short prayers. You can find a printable copy of this in the Resource Library under the infographics section. Our library is full of helpful resources for any prayer notebook!  You can find out more about our free prayer resources on this page

Focus Verses
Each verse in this article is linked to it’s respective page at Bible Hub. You can find free resources for further study there!

Let’s Talk
How has His grace set you free?

Let’s Pray
I created several short prayers for you and you can find them on the bookmark above!

* This post may be linked in other encouraging places! To find out where, click HERE! 

The post A Grace that Sets You Free first appeared at www.journeytoimperfect.com

6 thoughts on “A Grace that Sets You Free

  1. I know that this word is transcendent by the power of God regardless of when this was written. He knew I needed this at this time in my life. I write these words and thank you for your sincere thoughts and truth as you speak on the Grace of God. I am studying grace because I only know Grace as one-dimensional. The holy spirit has given me the grace to find and understand this and how it pertains to my life. I’ve been in bondage for years in every facet of my life. I wanted to know the root and be set free. I wanted to be a testimony that may help someone else one day. I praise the lord that I understand that encountering and experiencing the holy spirit is where I found and received this grace. Things that have been holding me back from a relationship with the holy spirit, love, friends, ministry, and blessings are released by the mighty name of Jesus. Blessings to you woman of God. Thank you so much.

    1. I’m so glad you found this post encouraging. He is so good. Yes to being set free by His great grace! Blessings to you!

  2. Leslie- God’s grace is so unbelievable I sometimes get caught up trying to prove my worth. Thank you for sharing your wise words about God’s grace.

    1. Maree, you are welcome and I appreciate your kind words. I, too, can get caught up in trying to prove my worth without remembering His grace. I’m glad His Word reminds me of the truth. Blessings!

  3. Leslie, His grace truly is the key to the freedom we are searching for! The scripture you shared, Psalms 118:5, can be such a great reminder of who we need to turn to for our freedom! Thanks for your encouraging words, we’re neighbors today on Coffee For Your Heart Linkup!

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