Give Hope to the Hurting – Share Your Scars

Your story has a purpose, and sharing it will make a difference in ways you can not imagine! Click through to find courage and hope for you and others in a story only you can tell!

I’m so happy to introduce to you my friend, Lori Schumaker. Lori is an encourager at heart and was one of the first to welcome me with open arms when I first began to write online. Lori has spent her life learning of the hope and victory available when we embrace our identity in Christ. Today, when she isn’t busy being a wife and Mom to her three children, she teaches, ministers, coaches, speaks, and writes to share that hope with others. Wherever you find yourself today – walking through the difficult, needing to get unstuck to follow your purpose, or simply experiencing a season of beautiful chaos, Lori’s blog found at is a place where you can get a virtual hug from someone who truly understands.

Lori is an encourager at heart. She has spent her life learning of the hope and victory available when we embrace our identity in Christ. Today, when she isn't busy being a wife and Mom to her three children, she teaches, ministers, coaches, speaks, and writes to share that hope with others. Wherever you find yourself today - walking through the difficult, needing to get unstuck to follow your purpose, or simply experiencing a season of beautiful chaos, Lori's blog found at is a place where you can get a virtual hug from someone who truly understands. You can also connect with her on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest

Today, Lori graciously agreed to allow me to share an article she has written about something that is dear to my own heart – sharing your story.  No matter how painful and difficult, your journey can speak love and hope into the heart of another person. Sharing your story makes a difference in ways that are beyond comprehension! Please join me today as Lori shares insight from God’s word that will help you understand that there is a God-designed purpose for your journey and a story that only you can tell!

You can also connect with Lori on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest

Here is Lori’s article. Thank you, Lori! 

The other night I sat across the table of a group of women. Remarkable women.

All beautiful and all with scars.

These are real everyday kind of women. The kind that smile and give you hugs when you see them. The kind that laugh at the funny stuff, shake their heads at the nonsense, sit with a friend in need, and love their people like crazy. They are also the kind that push themselves each day, run late, miss deadlines, yell at their kids, get irritated behind the wheel, and cry.

Real everyday kind of women.

Each of them have a story uniquely theirs. In each there is much good, yet in each there is pain.


… from loss and from gain.

… from lack and from abundance.

Pain that comes simply from the fallout of the sin and brokenness of our world.

Each has a story and each has hope.

As for me, I look to the Lord for help. I wait confidently for God to save me, and my God will certainly hear me. Micah 7:7 

It’s a hope for what will come. That a day will come where the pain eases. It is a hope for joy to return. It is a hope that the scars left behind will aid in writing a story greater than we could have ever dreamed.

… For I am doing something in your own day, something you wouldn’t believe even if someone told you about it. Habakkuk 1:5

The scars left behind will aid in writing a story greater than we could have ever dreamed. Click To Tweet

Sharon Jaynes wrote a book titled Your Scars Are Beautiful to God. In talking about the book she described scars as the remaining mark of a healed wound. She said, “There is a big difference between a wound and a scar, because a scar says, ‘I’ve been healed, and this is my story.'”

Your story has a purpose, and sharing it will make a difference in ways you can not imagine! Click through to find courage and hope for you and others in a story only you can tell! I love that because when we are healed and willing to share the story of our scars, God is able to use our story as a tool in the healing of others. Think of an actual physical scar you may carry. I have a great big one on my knee from an ACL reconstruction many years ago. People always ask me about it. It begins a conversation.

Just as those physical scars serve as a reminder of a healed physical wound, my emotional scars serve as the reminder to share the hope birthed out of my life story. And in that moment I choose to share God’s story, what Satan meant for harm, transforms into good. Just as God promised!

He longs for us to claim our heritage as beloved children of God – chosen and wonderfully created with purpose by Him.  You see, the truth of our story is our victory and the enemy’s defeat!

You see, the truth of our story is our victory and the enemy's defeat! Click To Tweet

It is the beauty recreated from the ashes of our pain.

To all who mourn in Israel,
he will give a crown of beauty for ashes,
a joyous blessing instead of mourning,
festive praise instead of despair.
In their righteousness, they will be like great oaks
that the Lord has planted for his own glory. Isaiah 61:3

Pain, challenges, and struggle are a part of who we are – all of us. No one escapes it. We each have a choice as to what we will do with it. We choose to crumble by the weight of it, hiding the struggles from the world and allowing our defeat. Or we choose to take the offering of grace and forgiveness by the One Who redeems. We choose to give it to Jesus. When we do that, He takes the burden from us, heals the pain, and gives new meaning and a purpose. And then in sharing the story of our scars, we are given the honor of sharing the story of our Healer.

A Prayer

Father, from the view we have, our pain and struggles often seem without meaning.  We vacillate between anger, sadness, and depression.  Lord, be our Courage and Strength as we step through it. Bring us to a place where the pain eases and the joy begins to return. To a place where we can share the story. Remind us – engrave upon our hearts Your hope for a wound that heals and leaves a scar. A scar that will give us a story to bring another to You, the great Healer. You know the purpose of our wounds, so I ask that we surrender them. That we  surrender our pain and our anger to You so that You can take what the enemy meant for harm and destruction, and make something beautiful rise out of those ashes. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen

*This article was written by Lori Schumaker and a previous version of it originally appeared at 

**This article may be linked in other encouraging places. Click HERE to find out where!


32 thoughts on “Give Hope to the Hurting – Share Your Scars

  1. Yes, our scars have a story to tell of pain & healing. When we choose to be vulnerable and share our story; God uses it to help others. I have found sometimes we don’t see the fruit, but it is there. I have also found in sharing I am so blessed in return. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Hi Maree, it’s so true that there is a lot we can’t see, but we can know God is working! I’m so glad you stopped by today!

  2. Thank your Lori for sharing your heartfelt story. I never would have thought God could use my scars, but He continues to amaze me each day. I thank Him for the courage and strength to press on and do His will. You have set a beautiful example of what it me As to be an encourager my sweet friend. I pray God continues to bless you and your family in all your endeavors. Thanks again for sharing. Be well.

  3. What a great perspective you have, Lori! And I love the idea of how a wound is different than a scar–healing has taken place. I think of my scars like a badge of honor because I see how God has brought healing to those broken places in my heart and life. Besides, if Jesus was willing–even proud?–to wear His scars from the cross into eternity, why shouldn’t I proudly wear mine? They tell of a story of His redemption! Thanks for your inspiring words, my friend. And thanks to Leslie for sharing your story with us today!

  4. I love the difference between wounds and scars, Lori. I had never heard it put that way and yet it makes sense. Thank you for reminding us we always have a choice to hold onto a wound or let it go into Jesus hands. You have such a compassionate heart for women and I am thankful God is raising people like you up to shine light into the dark places where lies have trapped so many. I was one for a long time and hope God allows my own story to be shared where ever it is needed. God bless you.

  5. Beautiful post, Lori! I have often said that my scars no longer remind me of pain but of what the Lord has done in my life. Mentally I know there was once hurt but now I only know the beauty God brought from it all. May many find hope in your words and through our Lord!

  6. Beautiful as always Lori! Wouldn’t expect anything less from you😉👌 Love how your heart comes through so genuinely and powerfully in your writing. You make us to view our scars in a whole new Light. ☺️ Blessings on you both!

  7. Thank you, Lori, for the encouragement to walk boldly into “brave” and trust God will not only use our stories to bring others to healing but to also pour healing into our own hearts. “Just as those physical scars serve as a reminder of a healed physical wound, my emotional scars serve as the reminder to share the hope birthed out of my life story.” And isn’t this what our living hope is all about!

    1. Amen, Crystal! Living hope – those words just gave me goosebumps! Remembering what He has done before gives us hope for the storm we may be currently facing ♥

  8. Leslie, thank you for sharing this article of Lori’s today. So beautifully written. Thank you for these sweet words of hope and goodness, Lori. So touching. Graces to you. ((hug))

  9. This is a beautiful, true post, Lori. I’ve heard about that book by Sharon Jaynes, and I need to order it! Sharing on FB and Twitter. Leslie, I’m so glad you hosted Lori today!

  10. The Israelites were told to erect physical monuments to be reminders of what God did for them at a certain point in their journey. I think about our scars the same way. Instead of reminding us of pain, they can be memorials to the grace of God. Thanks. PS I love your blog, Lori. I read regularly.

    1. Love your idea Karen. That our scars “can be memorials to the grace of God.” Yes, they can point us to his faithfulness and provision.

    2. Awww, thanks, Karen! ♥ I love yours, too!

      Now when I stare at that huge scar up and down my knee, I’m going to think the words “physical monument”! lol! And as that makes me giggle, thinking of my life scars – the ones written on my heart and through my story – I, too, will smile as I think of the grace of God through it all!


  11. Leslie,
    What a gift for me to be able to share here in this hope-filled home of yours! Thank you! I pray these words resonate with hearts and that God uses them to encourage and remind each one of all He is working to do!

    Much love,

    1. Hi Lori, I know He will! Thank you for sharing with us here. It’s been such a blessing!

  12. I’ve always considered my physical and emotional scars to be badges of honor–at least the ones that God has healed. That’s because, as you’ve said so eloquently here, Lori, it does point to God’s goodness and redemption in our lives. Oh, and you and I share something in common–a scar on our knees! Funny how that can be a conversation starter! I love your words of inspiration, my friend! And am so glad that Leslie is highlighting you here at her space as well. Hugs to you both!

    1. Thank you, Beth, for catching up with me here! I was honored Leslie asked me to share! She is such a blessing! How funny that we both have similar scars 🙂 I definitely like the idea of thinking of those scars as badges of honor. (Kind of like the wrinkles, too! lol!)

      Blessings and smiles,

  13. Hi Rachel, you are very welcome. Thank you for stopping by today! I’ve always loved Lori, too and her encouraging spirit!

  14. Leslie,
    I too LOVE Lori! Her stories of hope and grace always resonate with me. What a beautiful gift it is to know that God can use the story of our scars to enable us to share about the story of our Healer! Such a profound truth!
    Thank you for sharing this with us today.

    Blessed to be your neighbor at Purposeful Faith link up. 😉

    1. Hi Rachel,
      You are so sweet ♥ And I am so thankful God uses my stories to touch your heart! Those scars represent so much to make us remember all He has done in the past which then also gives us hope to know that the trial we are currently facing will someday again bear a scar of redemption!

      Blessings and smiles,

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