How to Discover Your God-Given Passions

God has placed a passion in you to do something special. Do you know what it is? It’s easy to dismiss our dreams and passions and aspirations as things that aren’t really that important. We can lose heart when things seem totally out of our reach, we doubt ourselves, or when we face other types of opposition. But God has already done something about that!

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Finding Hope When Life Doesn’t Go as Planned

Does life look different than you though it would? Are you facing fear and doubt? Take a peek inside this true adoption story to find a living hope!

Today I’m delighted to share a post with you written by my friend, Lori Schumaker. Lori shares an incredible story of love and hope inside the pages of her book, Surrendered Hearts. If you are journeying through a difficult situation that is not turning out as you expected, you’ll find that you are not alone when you read the book or take a peek at parts of her story below.

Today Lori is sharing her own true story that points to our real source of hope when life doesn’t go as planned – Hope that came to us in the form of a tiny baby, born in a manger so long ago. It’s Jesus’ love that reached out clear across the world to bring a family together.  And this is the love that reaches out to you today, no matter where you are, no matter what you are facing.

From Lori’s post: “Hope is something we cannot live without. In order to walk through this life, we must believe in what may come and we must believe in the good that is just around the next corner. Without hope, we don’t find joy nor do we experience peace. Without hope …

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How to Trust God When Life is Painful

When life is hard and we don't understand our circumstances, we may feel that we can't put our confidence in God. Nothing could be further from the truth. Click through for encouragement and help from God's word.

When life is difficult, it can be hard to trust God with our circumstances. Pain, no matter what form it is can last a lot longer than we’d like. Waiting for a resolution, trying to understand our situation – all this can take its toll and start to wear us thin spiritually speaking. We wonder if we should place our confidence in God when we can’t seem to find the answers.

If you find yourself in that place, here are some thoughts and verses that may help.

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How to Find Hope That Will Not Disappoint You

Hope can be hard to find in difficult times, but there is one kind of hope that will not disappoint. Find out more here!

What do you think of when you think of the word hope? A dream, A wish? Me too, until recently.  My definition of hope has changed. Yesterday, hope used to mean that something good would happen and my current difficult situation would go away or get resolved. Yesterday, hope was something that I “hoped” would happen and just kept waiting for. It was a wish for better times. This kind of hoping led to disappointment. But today hope means something different. It’s trust – trust in a God who never changes and who does what He says He will do.

Click below to find five things that will help you discover hope that does not disappoint.

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Praying the Bible to Renew Your Hope

Free Prayer Kit! Pray 6 Bible verses to renew your hope. Study key words in each verse. Learn to write your own powerful prayers using the verses you are studying as a framework.

Prayer does not fit us for the greater work; prayer is the greater work.  ~Oswald Chambers

Friends, prayer matters. Oswald Chambers says it so well in this quote.

“We tend to use prayer as a last resort, but God wants it to be our first line of defense. We pray when there’s nothing else we can do, but God wants us to pray before we do anything at all.” -Oswald Chambers

When life is hard, we tend to turn to prayer – or turn away from it. It can go either way, can’t it? It’s easy to lose hope. The Bible tells us we will experience trials and tribulations in this world (John 16:33, Romans 5:3-4, 1 Peter 5:10) and we surely know it from walking these paths, don’t we? So what’s a girl to do when she feels as if she’s loosing hope?

Click below to read more and pick up your free Journeys in Prayer Hope Kit!

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