Three Verses to Pray When You Want to Trust God More

Do you ever struggle with trusting God? Join us to discuss a key element that is the beginning of trust. Find three verses to pray that will help you develop a trusting God mindset. [Free Printable!]

Trusting God

Do you ever struggle with trusting God? Most all of us have at one time or another, maybe more often than not. Trust can be hard.

Perhaps you’ve been hurt in the past, and this makes it hard to trust anyone, including God. Maybe it’s hard to trust in someone you can’t see. Maybe your situation makes no sense, and neither does the time that goes by as you wonder what God is doing. Many of us experience these feelings at some point in our life.

Some Thoughts about Trusting God

Trust is often something we try to come up with on our own. We think if we just try harder or if we only had more faith, or if we knew how to pray or if we prayed more often, trusting God would be easier for us. We try to pull it up from somewhere inside ourselves. But we can’t dig deep enough anywhere to find the kind of trust that God deserves. It’s not humanly possible.

Trust doesn’t start with looking inside ourselves to find it. Trust begins with surrender.

Trust doesn’t start with looking inside ourselves to find it. Trust begins with surrender. Click To Tweet

When we are willing to surrender, God will grow our ability to trust, but we have to be willing to take that first step. God will not make us yield to Him and He won’t force us to be obedient. He loves us so much that He gives us the freedom to make our own choices.

If you are finding it hard to surrender, if you want to trust God more, here are some verses that you can read, think about, and pray that help you as you move toward trusting the Lord more.

Bible Verses for When You Want to Trust God More

Submit to the Lord and He will direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV

The root word for trust in this verse means “to rest on with all one’s weight.” We are to lean on the Lord, not on our own understanding. It’s a relief, isn’t it – to know that we don’t have to figure it all out because God has already done that for us. It’s His understanding that we can rest in, even when we cannot see the pathway ahead. When we put all our weight into letting Him be in control, then we’ll find our load much lighter and our path much brighter.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Prov. 3:5-6, NIV #trustingGod #trustGod #surrender #journeytoimperfect Click To Tweet
Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act. Psalm 37:5 ESV

In this verse, the word “way” is referring to one’s whole journey or over-all way of life. Here we are told to commit our whole life to the Lord and to trust in Him. And then what happens? He will act. Wow! I’d love living in a way that results in God working on my behalf. How about you? We can’t always see what God is doing, but we are promised He will act as we trust in Him.

Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act. Psalm 37:5 ESV #trustGod #trustingGod #surrender Click To Tweet
Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us. Psalm 62:8 ESV

The word “pour” in this verse means to pour out to transform. Only Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit can do the kind of transforming we need. What is it that you need to pour out today before the Lord?  When we surrender to God and trust Him, we have the promise before us that He is our refuge.

Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us. Psalm 62:8 ESV #trustGod #trustingGod #surrender Click To Tweet

          Trusting God Prayer Challenge

Are you looking for a deeper prayer life? This free prayer guide will help you! Find it at’s a simple prayer challenge that will give you a tangible way to develop more trust in God. Remember, the ability to trust God is something that builds over time as you spend time in prayer and Bible study and experiencing God in the difficult times. But don’t forget – the first step is up to you. Being obedient to surrender to Him is the beginning of trust.

Take the Trusting God  Prayer Challenge!

1) Before you begin your prayer or Bible study time, choose one of the verses above (Proverbs 3:5-6, Psalm 37:5, Psalm 62:8).

2) Read and repeat the verse out loud. Consider saying it as a prayer.

3) Think about the words in these verses. They are God’s truth for you.

4) Begin your prayer time this way each time you pray for one week. These kinds of verses will help you have a good mindset going into your prayer time. See if it makes a difference in your prayer life!

5) Grab this free printable for writing the verses and put it in a convenient place where you will see it often. Consider adding this printable to our free prayer guide. It fits well with the first section – rely on God. You can find both of these free items in the Prayer Library, and you can get access by filling out the form below.

Focusing on any of these verses will help your mindset as you go into prayer. The words are truths that will help you trust God – even when you don’t know what is ahead.


Let’s Pray

Lord, we come before You now asking that You would help us lean on you with all our strength. Help us to give our whole way of life to you. We want to trust You more. Help us to pour out our hearts to You – our dreams and hopes, our trials and fears, our sins that separate us from You. Take all this, Lord, and transform us into the people you want us to be. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

The post Three Verses to Pray When You Want to Trust God More first appeared at

*This post may be linked in the following places. Click through to find more hope and encouragement!  Cheerleaders of Faith /  Coffee for Your Heart Sitting Among Friends / Moments of Hope / Salt and Light / Heart Encouragement Thursday / Tune in Thursdays / Fresh Market Friday / Faith and Friends  / Grace and Truth 

17 thoughts on “Three Verses to Pray When You Want to Trust God More

  1. I love your heart to guide us in how to develop richer prayer lives and better and more meaningful connections with God, Leslie! I’ve pinned a couple of times here and tweeted! I want to get the word out about your wisdom, insights and inspiring example of devotion to God!

    1. Thank you so much for reading, sharing and for the kind words. I appreciate you and your words, too, Beth!

  2. Thank you for so gently encouraging us to surrender ourselves and our fears to our good Father. My word for this year is Intention, and specifically that I want to be intentional about surrendering to God and being in a place to receive what he wants to provide. This was such perfect inspiration and education with the way you delved into the verses and word meanings. Beautiful job!

    1. Rachel, I love that intentional focus on on surrendering to God. We should all have that. Thank you for the kind words and for being here today.

  3. These are awesome verses. I am about to start prayer journaling once a day for the month of February and these verses are a great start for deepening some insecurities that have taken root over time. Thanks for this!

  4. Great tips! I always try to start my prayer in praise, it is amazing how that can shift everything from me to Him! Love the scriptures! Many Thanks 8)

  5. Hi, Leslie! This is such a huge help in prayer.
    Right now the Pinterest connection doesn’t seem to be working, but I’ll keep trying.

  6. Psalm 35:7 was a scripture referenced at Bible study this morning. We are studying Beth Moore’s the Patriarchs. We’ve been learning how Abraham was a friend of God so we can be one too! Trusting God is an act of surrender, it isn’t easy. Committing to God has been harder for me, sometimes committing lasts longer than is comfortable. Weeks, even years. Thank you for the encouragement found in scripture. It is what I cling to!

    1. Nancy, it’s so true that it is a daily thing and something that we have to keep coming back to through different situations (and sometimes for the same situation!) I’ve sure experienced that! Thanks for being here!

  7. I love these Bible verses and appreciated the reminder that we can lean into Him completely. Sometimes we carry burdens that don’t belong to us.


    1. So true! Our loads would be a lot lighter if we didn’t carry around all the things that aren’t really ours to carry in the first place. Thank you for visiting today, Tammy. Blessings!

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