How to Strengthen Your Prayer Life Through Grace

Are you putting too much pressure on yourself? Remember GRACE and receive it to bring strength into your prayer life. His strength is made perfect in our weakness!

Grace has always seemed like a gentle thing to me. A soft something that settles down in the heart unnoticed at first, but there, nevertheless. And we feel it’s peace. The thing is, I’m not good at grace. I might be good at giving grace to others, but when it comes to receiving it for myself, that’s a whole different story.

I think we all probably struggle with being harder on ourselves than we are on others, but for some of us, it is magnified, especially if we struggle with perfectionism.

If you struggle with perfectionism one of the things that you may be doing is putting entirely too much pressure on yourself. It’s a vicious cycle because perfectionism tells you that you are never good enough. And that’s the total opposite of what grace says.

Grace would tell you that you are enough, because of Who God is. He created you and He loves you. All of you. Just the way you are.

If you listen to perfectionism and the voice inside your head that says you are not good enough, you are in for a rough journey. It’s a path that leaves no room for receiving God’s grace.

Satan doesn’t mind us traveling this road though, and this is because he wants us discouraged and defeated in all areas of our lives.

He especially wants to defeat us in our prayer lives. Prayer is where the battles are fought and won. And Satan is always the looser. This means that he will do everything he can to discourage us and keep us from praying. Often, these discouragements will come through negative thought processes.

One of these negative thought patterns involves the tendency to be way too hard on ourselves which creates a whole lot of unnecessary pressure in our lives.

Think about the things we say to ourselves sometimes. We would probably never say these things about other people, but we might constantly repeat them to ourselves.

• “I skipped my prayer time today. God will be disappointed in me.”
• “My prayers seem too simple. I’m not really smart enough.”
• “I don’t really understand the Bible. Who am I to be talking to God?”
• “My life is so chaotic. I’m a mess. God wants someone who has it more together.”
• “I’ve done some pretty bad things. There’s no way God can accept me because of the things I’ve done.

This list could go on and on, couldn’t it?

But there is an answer for this. Read to find out more! {FREE PRINTABLE!}

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Five Powerful Verses for When You Need a New Perspective {FREE Printables!}

Are you looking for a new perspective? Here’s 5 powerful verses to help you!

Perspective is all about seeing something from a larger frame of reference. The thing is, having the right perspective is awfully hard sometimes because we see things from such a small vantage point. It’s hard to step outside of our ordinary ways of thinking to see God’s bigger picture. Join me this week for a look at five powerful verses to help you find better perspectives. {FREE PRINTABLES!}

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Do You Need to Re-Define? Thinking from a Truth Perspective

Identity is a very important thing to understand, but it can be elusive and difficult to figure out. We know we need to be getting our identity from Christ, but what does that really mean?

Identity is a very important thing to understand, but it can be elusive and difficult to figure out. If we’ve been with Jesus very long, or if we’ve listened to our pastors and other wise mentors, we know we need to be getting our identity from Christ, but what does that really mean? And if we figure that part out, then how do we get that knowledge from our head to our heart?

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Are You Setting Aside this Precious Gift?

For when I tried to keep the law it condemned me. So I died to the law – I stopped trying to meet all its requirements – so that I might live for God. (Galatians 2:19, NLT)

It stopped me in my tracks, that one little part in a paraphrase of Galatians 2:19 that said, “I stopped trying to meet all it’s requirements.”

Have you ever had that problem – the “I have to meet all the requirements” problem?

I sure have and I’ve come to realize how much it has hindered my spiritual life. Will you join me today as we talk more about it?

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