A New Kind of Peace

There’s a peace waiting just for you. It’s so full and rich and beyond what you can imagine. Join me today to find out more.

I sat in the stillness of the early morning with a new kind of peace. It came from deep inside, quiet, strong and sure.

It was a long time coming, this new kind of peace. It had always been there waiting for me, but every time it tried to come out of its hiding place, it was beaten back into the recesses of my heart by an enemy bent on blinding me to it.

My new kind of peace was strong though. It was patient and knew how to wait for me. My new kind of peace never gave up and was steady, not changing with the ebb and flow of my emotions. My new kind of peace understood me better than I understood myself. And it accepted the other one and felt their pain. My new kind of peace was not mine at all. It was His.

It was all about my identity.

Over the years I had found my identity in all sorts of things, good grades, awards and activities, my jobs, my relationships, being a wife and mother, and sadly, even in my mistakes and failures. The ups and downs associated with any of those things tended to dictate my level of peace and happiness. The truth was, the messiness of the ebb and flow of my emotions left me feeling at a loss most of the time. And very much far away from the peace I was seeking.

But that fact was conveniently folded away like an unnecessary piece of paperwork, tucked away into a sliver of a place where my heart could not dwell on it but always felt its presence. I didn’t want anyone to know. And it weighed on me.

Why couldn’t I be truly content and happy? I knew I should be. You see, I knew exactly where to find my peace. I grew up in church, and Jesus was my Savior. But there were things I needed to receive. There was a grace and a love so deep and so wide it had no boundaries. This love was something eternally present from the foundations of the world, and it was mine, but I couldn’t get that knowledge from my head to my heart.

Why were my emotions so dictated by what was going on around me? There was no steady-calm in my life although on the outside it appeared I had it all together.

The issue at hand was the problem of where I was finding my identity. All of that was wrapped up mostly in me, my accomplishments, and my ability to handle the responsibilities that God had laid in my lap. I was bound to make mistakes, some things would be a failure, and I didn’t have it all together.

In high school, if I didn’t get an A, I felt I should have worked and studied harder and that I could have done better. If I made any mistakes, I would beat myself up over them and dwell on them instead of learning from them and moving on. As I grew older, if I had conflict or misunderstandings in a relationship, I felt rejected, and I didn’t realize that conflict is part of growing closer. I felt I should be doing more and working harder, but that kind of life left me exhausted and feeling frustrated because I was able to reach the places I thought I should go.

It was perfectionism with a capital P, and it had me all bound up inside, wound so tightly that I was suffocating in its grip.

But when I finally started seeking a change, when I finally started letting go, when I began to let God’s truth dispel the lies that were holding me back, things began to change. I finally began to understand what He had been telling me all along through His Word, the songs He sent me, the people who loved me, and through quiet whispers deep in the sleepless nights.

You are Mine. You are chosen. You are precious and loved. This is what defines you. This is who you are.

You are Mine. You are chosen. You are precious and loved. This is what defines you. This is who you are.Click To Tweet

Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine! (Isaiah 43:1b)

Because you are precious in My sight and honored, and I love you. (Isaiah 43:4a)

You did not choose me, but I choose you. (John 15:16a, NASB)

There’s a peace waiting just for you. It’s so full and rich and beyond what you can imagine. Join me today to find out more.

This understanding, the knowing, the feeling this new kind of peace from deep down inside as the truth of who I really am changed me.

I am chosen and loved by Him. Precious. Accepted.

And you are, too. So very much. Can you feel His Word speaking this into your heart today?

This kind of understanding can give you a steady confidence and a peace that rises above the present situations you find yourself in. Knowing this will change everything for you.

Today, right now, listen to the truth about who you are. You are a precious daughter of the King, loved and cherished. This is your new kind of peace and mine, too. Let’s let this help us rise above our circumstances as He sets us high on the rock and the firm foundation of all that Jesus has done for us.




You are a precious daughter of the King, loved and cherished.Click To Tweet
He sets us high on the rock and the firm foundation of all that Jesus has done for us.Click To Tweet

Focus Verse
The verses in this article are linked to their appropriate pages on Bible Hub where you will find free resources for further study.

Let’s Talk
What has helped you know the love and acceptance of God? How has finding your identity in Christ made a difference in your life?

Let’s Pray
Dear Heavenly Father, we come before you now ready to receive Your love. We are so distracted and busy that often we run right past Your open arms. Help us to run to you instead of running after the things of this world. In Jesus name, Amen.

What’s Next
On Thursday, I will be guest posting at www.frankmckinleyauthor.com. I’ll be sharing some thoughts about perseverance. You are welcome to stop back by and join me!

On Friday one of my articles will be featured in an online magazine, Blessed Transgressions. I’m not exactly sure which article, so it will be a surprise for you and me both! Maybe you can hop over to Erika’s website (www.blessedtransgressions.org) and join me!

**Monday I may be taking a fall blogging break, so if you don’t hear from me, I’m out enjoying the cool weather. I’ll be sure to be back the following week so please stop back by!

The post A New Kind of Peace first appeared at www.journeytoimperfect.com

This post may be linked in other encouraging places! To find out where click HERE! 

20 thoughts on “A New Kind of Peace

  1. I spent some time this morning going back and reading previous posts from you that I had not had time to read in the last few weeks. This one hit pretty close to home today. It was exactly what I needed to read since I have been battling these issues for some time. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Hi Liana! You and me both! These are life long issues that God is walking me through. I’m glad it can be a little help for others along the way. I appreciate your visit and comments! Blessings!

  2. Beautiful, vulnerable, and powerful post, Leslie. Perfectionism is one of those things I keep breaking up with. I vow to never make up again, then I find myself in a weak enough state to warrant another blind date. 🙂 I love the depth you describe finding identity in Jesus, for He is the only place to discover our true self and let Him be the perfect One. And a new kind of peace. Shared on Twitter and followed you there.

    1. Karen, thank you for the kind words. I love what you said about perfectionism! I can totally relate. Yes, Jesus is the only way! Thank you for the shares, and most of all thank you for being here today!

  3. I can relate, Leslie. So thankful for a patient God who’s stuck with me (us) until we’re able to receive His love and and acceptance for the truth that it is. And, the fulfillment that it is. Nothing satisfies like Him.

  4. Beautiful words Leslie. I needed to hear these words today. For many years my identity was wrapped up in my career. God called me to walk away (He is a jealous God). I did step away and it has been quite the journey of letting go of what was to embrace His plans for me. Your words are encouraging. Thank you for sharing!

  5. Beautiful post! Blessed to be your neighbor at Coffee for your Heart today!

  6. For me it is so hard to grasp a love that has spanned eternity. That is Christ’s love for us. I used to tell people on the altar when I served that Christ saw them from the cross and knew the decision they were making. He knew and saw them. I should have said he has known them for eternity. I may use this now when talking to people at the altar. Thank you so much for your encouraging words today. I really needed them. They were ordained just for this time in my life.

    1. Mary, thank you. I really appreciate what you have shared here. These words and those verses felt the same for me. His Word and His love for us is so eternal and He reaches down at just the right time to touch us with it. I needed these words in much the same way you mention that you needed them. They came at just the right time for me as well. Thank you so much for visiting and for sharing here today.

  7. I can so relate to this, Leslie. I was doing the same things in respect to my marriage. Looking to my performance as a good wife and to my husband to be the good husband so that we could have a good marriage. All of it was in vain until I turned those aspirations and efforts over to the Lord and grounded my identity in Him. Great and inspirational thoughts, my friend! I’m sharing for sure!

    1. Beth, thank you so much for dropping by and for sharing. I love your marriage posts! I’m going over to your blog tonight to read your post from today. I was in a hurry and didn’t want to rush through that one. You’re a blessing, Beth!

  8. My P was people-pleasing and oh it robbed me of His peace. This is so beautifully written and full of truth. Thank you and God bless you!

    1. Deb, I understand that one very well! It’s a tough nut to crack sometimes! Thank you for your kind and encouraging words here. God bless you, too!

  9. This is absolutely beautiful and so, SO true! Our true identity can only come from God alone.
    I too have found this new kind of peace. Isn’t it refreshing?!
    Thank you for sharing! ❤️

    1. Rachel, it is so very refreshing. It’s made all the difference in the world. I used to regret that I didn’t understand this at a much earlier age, but I’ve come to see God’s timing is perfect. Understanding it closer to “now” in my life has spurred me on to share this in public so that perhaps the younger generation can understand this too – at least the ones that need this. Some are blessed to find this kind of peace at a very young age! Thank you for visiting today and for your encouraging words here.

  10. You know I love to write about peace, and I love how it helped you overcome perfectionism. Sharing this on Facebook and Twitter, friend.

  11. Leslie, I love this post and I appreciate you sharing all the ways that we find peace that aren’t in Jesus. We KNOW Jesus is the answer, but experiencing it is so different! You are His and He is yours. He just loves you like crazy!

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