Who, Me? Truth for When You Feel Inadequate

Have you ever felt the Lord call you to a task but feel inadequate for the calling? Find one truth here that will help you move forward.

But we have this treasure in earthen vessels so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves. 2 Corinthians 4:7, NASB

Have you ever felt called by God to do something, but it seems an impossible thing for you to do?

•Perhaps you feel inadequate or that you lack the necessary knowledge.
•Maybe you are asking yourself this question, “Who, Me?” (The calling is way out of your comfort zone.)
•You may feel that you lack abilities or talents to do what you know Lord is calling you to do.
•Perhaps you have a physical limitation or an illness that makes it difficult to follow through.
•You know of others that would do a much better job and be more suited to the work.
•You fear you don’t know the Bible well enough.
•You think you will make mistakes.
•In a nutshell, you are afraid.

These concerns and fears are so common that I imagine each one of us reading here today can relate to at least a few if not all of them. If you are experiencing this kind of fear in your life or you are trying to discern what the Lord wants you to do, there’s something special for you in the following verse.

But we have this treasure in earthen vessels so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves.  (2 Corinthians 4:7, NASB)

In Biblical times treasures such as gold or silver coins were hidden in clay pots and buried in the ground for safekeeping, often during times of warfare or instability. Paul takes this common knowledge from his day and time and makes a comparison. Our bodies are the clay jars, and the treasure inside is not coins or riches, it is Jesus and the power of God. Look at how the preceding verse describes it:

For God, who said, “Light shall shine out of darkness,” is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. (2 Corinthians 4:6 NASB)

These two verses tell us that we have a treasure in this earthen vessel (our bodies) that we walk around in every day. The thing is, if we don’t understand the treasure we have inside, it is very easy to underestimate our value and our abilities. Satan will lie to us about our abilities and our worth which makes us focus on ourselves. The wrong focus keeps us from seeing the true source. Satan will always try to defeat you when it comes to doing God’s work because obviously, that’s not something he wants you doing!

If we don’t understand the treasure we have inside, it is very easy to underestimate our value and our abilities. (See 2 Corinthians 4:7) Click To TweetLet’s take a look at what this word “treasure” means in this verse:

The Greek word for “treasures” is thēsaurós and it can refer to a storehouse of treasure, like treasured-thoughts stored in the heart and mind. It is also used of God’s blessings planned out (stored up) for eternity. (Definitions from The Discovery Bible Helps Word-studies, Gary Hill, 2017.)

The previous verse tells us that this treasure inside is the knowledge of God and then it goes on to say that this knowledge is reflected or found in the face of Christ. The translations of the word “treasure” help us understand that our treasure is a storehouse full of the truth of the Gospel of Christ, something that is planned out and stored up for eternity. Wow!

The knowledge of God is rich and invaluable and a treasure that never ends. It’s the truth of the Gospel, full of glory and infinitely precious. Just think of it! When we have Jesus inside, we have a treasure trove of truth and knowledge that flows from God. We may feel inadequate, but inside there is treasure placed there by One who is not. And this is what we have access to through what Jesus did for us.

When we have Jesus inside, we have a treasure trove of truth and knowledge that flows from God. We may feel inadequate, but inside there is treasure placed there by One who is not. Click To Tweet

Friends, God is not going to call you to do something that He will not also provide the means for you to accomplish. He has given you something to keep as a treasure, but also to give away as well. It’s a different thing for all of us, but there’s something special He has designed ahead of time for you. There is a purpose He has in mind for you.

That’s a compelling thought, isn’t it? Here we are in these earthen vessels of ours which are faulty and imperfect, but inside there’s this treasure of a thing stored up that comes only from God. It’s something to keep that will sustain us in trials and troubles, but also something that grows so big we know it must be shared with others. God calls us to it.

With that knowledge, God does not leave us unprepared. Each season of life that has come before your calling has been the preparation. The ability to do what God calls you to do doesn’t depend on you; it depends on the power of God inside you.

The ability to do what God calls you to do doesn’t depend on you; it depends on the power of God inside you. Click To Tweet

These quotes from Gary Hill (The Discovery Bible Helps Word-studies, Gary Hill, 2017) sum up a critical truth that we must remember.

“We must never measure our spiritual capacity on the basis of our education or our intellect, our capacity for spiritual things is measured on the basis of the promises of God.”

“When it is a question of God’s Almighty Spirit, never say, “I can’t.” Never allow the limitation of your natural ability to enter into the matter. If we have received the Holy Spirit, God expects the work of the Holy Spirit to be exhibited in us.

In every way, the enemy will try to make you feel inadequate for the purposes He has called you to. He’ll bring fears and thoughts that will stop you in your tracks. Don’t allow those things to stop you.

Your capacity and abilities are not based on anything you can achieve – not your education, not your physical skills, nor your natural gifts. It’s based solely on what God can do through the Holy Spirit in you!

Here’s what the Bible says about it:

Have you ever felt the Lord call you to a task but feel inadequate for the calling? Find one truth here that will help you move forward.

And my message and my preaching were not in persuasive words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith would not rest on the wisdom of men, but on the power of God. (1 Corinthians 2:4-5, NASB)

Let’s pray together for God to reveal the ways He has intended for each of us to go about doing His work in the world today. Let’s ask the Lord to give us insight and wisdom to His power within us to be able to do things that we would never believe possible. It’s all from Him! What treasures can you take and give to others along the way?




Perfectionism Pinpoint – Perfectionism, Your Abilities, and God’s Power

The topic in the post above cuts right to the foundation stones of the formidable fortress of perfectionism. There’s so much here that we’ll barely scratch the surface, but for today, let’s look at this one thing:

Perfectionism keeps us entirely focused on our own abilities and not God’s.

If you struggle with perfectionism, you may be looking at your abilities to determine what you can and can’t do. Perfectionism is very performance-focused, and a person who is struggling with perfectionism will constantly be measuring themselves (and possibly others) based on things like knowledge or expertise, natural talents, job performance or promotions, and the skills we’ve learned or are gifted with.

Instead of being performance-focused we need to find ways to be God-focused. Here are some things that might help if you find yourself struggling with this issue:

Stay in God’s Word. This is where you will find truth. Here is a past article about seven verses that will help equip you for daily life. Click HERE
Prayer. Prayer is your connection to Jesus and the heart of your relationship with God the Father. Focus on being consistent in your prayer life. If you are looking for some helpful resources for your prayer life you can find some free ones in our prayer library. Learn more HERE.
Look away from yourself and toward the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. Here are some verses to look up that will help you.

Hebrews 12:1-2
Philippians 3:14
Psalm 34:5

Focus Verses
The verses in this post are linked to their appropriate pages at Bible Hub where you can find free resources for further study.

How have you found that the Lord helped get you ready for something He called you to do? Can you look back and see how life’s trials or difficulties helped prepare you for the places God is asking you to go? Perhaps you are struggling with a hard season in life. Are there ways this present season can help prepare you for a calling in your life?

*Not sure what your calling is? We’ll talk about that, too, in our new series on being equipped for God’s calling so check back in two weeks for more!

The post Who, Me? Truth for When You Feel Inadequate first appeared at www.journeytoimperfect.com.

This post may be linked in the following places. Click through to find more hope and encouragement for your new year!  Tea And Word Tuesdays / Cheerleaders of Faith /  Coffee for Your Heart Sitting Among Friends / Moments of Hope / Salt and Light / Heart Encouragement Thursday / Tune in Thursdays / Counting My Blessings / Grace and Truth

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12 thoughts on “Who, Me? Truth for When You Feel Inadequate

  1. Hello everyone, I am new to this site. God is so incredibly good And faithful to send me, through this site such encouraging words. I find myself on the thresholds as God speaks to me about something that I believe he’s called me to do. He has been preparing me my whole life for this calling. It is so beyond my capability, so large of a task that it has made me stop and ponder on the people that he used in the Bible. Individual people like Moses, Paul, Abraham, Joseph, Job, king David, and many more that God used to change the world. All of them including myself have four things in common. A Deep love for our heavenly father, a love of God’s truth, a willingness to be used for his honor and glory and obedience. We can, (I) can step into my calling with the assurance that Through him I can accomplish the plan he has placed on my life for his honor and glory. Thank you for sending this my way it gives me encouragement, hope through him to embark on this journey that will change peoples lives for his kingdom.

    1. Marcia, thank you for sharing this. The men that you mention from the Bible that accomplished great things for God were no different from men and women today, and you are so right – God used them to change the world. They shared the same fears, doubts, and struggles that we have pressing in on us today and yet their obedience and willingness to follow through as God led them made a huge difference. The four things you mention are things that as you point out, we all have in common through Jesus in our hearts. Those things can be brought out of the hiding places where Satan wants to keep them if we allow the Holy Spirit to work through us. It’s never easy and we’ll face many challenges, but He is our portion and strength. Psalm 73:26 Thank you so much for sharing and I’m very happy this was encouraging to you.

  2. I am filled with joy at the ideas you brought to light here about the treasure of God living in my broken vessel.

  3. Always encouragement, reminders, and challenges I need! So happy to be here tonight ♥ Thank you for your heart to see others live fully as a child of God. And thank you for sharing hope alongside me at #MomentsofHope. You are a blessing! BTW – You are one of the featured writers this week! ♥

    1. Lori, Thank you so much! I’ve been on a bit of a break and it was good to come back to this. I’ll hop on over!

  4. Such beautiful encouragement you’ve shared here, Leslie! Thank you so much for this! Truly blessed by your words! Hugs and blessings! 🙂

  5. Leslie, this is such an encouraging post! I’ve read those verses in 2 Corinthians oodles of times, but I never put together the thought that the Holy Spirit within us is a treasure. But what a powerful treasure we have so we don’t have to rely on our own resources, we just have to obey and He will show his power through our weakness. It is so easy to just look to ourselves and our abilities and think something is just too hard but like you said, this is what we need to do. ” Instead of being performance-focused we need to find ways to be God-focused.” Amen!
    Blessings to you! I’m your neighbor at #TeaAndWord.

    1. Gayl, I’m glad this encouraged you! That verse really means a lot to me in this season, too. Thank you for visiting and for the kind comments! Blessings!

  6. Dear Leslie,
    Oh these beautiful truths from Scripture are so precious. And the way that you express it here is touching my heart today: “Here we are in these earthen vessels of ours which are faulty and imperfect, but inside there’s this treasure of a thing stored up that comes only from God. It’s something to keep that will sustain us in trials and troubles, but also something that grows so big we know it must be shared with others. God calls us to it.” It is something that the Lord continues to speak to me in this season where I dwell. My weakness doesn’t stop Him from moving in me. He is so precious to confirm His Word. Thank you for sharing this.

    1. Bettie, that passage really spoke to me as well. I’m so glad it meant something special to you today. Thank you so much for visiting and commenting! Blessings!

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