How to Make This a Year of Powerful Prayer

Prayer is our lifeline to God, a connection we need to hold on to with all our might. Step into a powerful prayer life and know God in a deeper way. [FREE PRAYER GUIDE]

Prayer is our lifeline, an absolute necessity in our daily life, the breath that sustains us whether we realize it or not.

But prayer can be hard. We can’t see it. We can’t touch it. We can’t hold in our hands. Perhaps it’s hard to understand, or we feel discouraged about it. Maybe the busyness of life makes it hard to find the time.

We all have doubts and misunderstandings about things and prayer is no different. To some, it comes naturally. To others of us, it’s been a learning curve, something that’s developed over time, something we’ve had to work at and learn about. Find out more and pick up your FREE PRAYER GUIDE by clicking below.

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How to Navigate Suffering Like Jesus

Suffering isn't easy and can be so hard to handle! But there is help for us when we look to Jesus. He navigates suffering in a good way, and we can too!

Suffering isn’t easy. Whatever we are going through often seems to make it harder to have the right attitudes and do the right thing, doesn’t it?

If you are going through a time of trial and suffering, you’ll find a lot of wisdom in this guest post from my friend, Beth Steffaniak. Beth’s words have always been an encouragement to me, and today is no exception. In her post below, she shares a verse with us that can make all the difference in how we handle suffering. I was encouraged by this verse, just has Beth has been, and just as I feel you will be, too! 

Click below to read Beth’s post and find 6 ways to navigate suffering like Jesus.

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Are You Looking for the Joy of the Lord?

Do you want to find joy again? There's a joy of the Lord that is possible even in spite of our trials, and it just may not look exactly like what we think!

The joy of the Lord is my strength. Have you ever wondered about this verse? I’ve often thought about it and felt a little bit like I wasn’t doing something right. I’m sorry to say, but when life is hard, I don’t feel happy.

Have you ever been there? Have you ever asked yourself the question, “I wonder what I’m doing wrong?” Me, too.

It’s taken a long time, but in all my wrestling around with trying to find the joy of the Lord, I’ve realized there are quite a few things that hold me back. They are concepts about joy and happiness that I’ve struggled to make sense of.  Understanding them (or not) makes a big difference. Take a look at my list of these concepts and see what you think. 

Click through to read the list and find out more!

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Consider This if You Lack Confidence

Do you lack confidence? Sometimes we have to work through inner issues before we can move forward. Read more to discover one thing that might be holding you back!

Do you ever find yourself asking these questions?

Where is my confidence?
What is holding me back?
Why can’t I move forward?

I think these are common questions we might be asking if we find ourselves stuck and unable to take that next big step. Asking these types of questions puts us on the right track. You see, sometimes to move forward we have to stop and uncover the issues inside – the things that are keeping us stuck in a cycle of fear.

The thing is, it’s hard to figure these things out. I don’t know about you, but the hardest person I’ve ever tried to understand is myself! Fortunately, God has shed a little light on the picture so to speak, and I discovered one of my biggest problems is perfectionism. My friend, Terri, who writes for you today, also struggles with perfectionism.

Perfectionism puts the brakes on moving forward, and it instills a lack of confidence. It’s also very sneaky and hard to see! It can hide in many forms and fashions. But it’s time to bring it out into the light!

Join me today as Terri uncovers perfectionism and points us in the right direction so we can find confidence in the right place. Click the purple button below to read more!

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This One Simple Verse Will Help You Fight Your Fear!

Are you emotionally stalled by a fear of failure, lack of confidence, or feelings of inadequacy? Fight your fear with this one simple verse!

Are you lacking confidence or feeling insecure? Are you stalled in taking that next step to go forward in something the Lord is leading you to do? Is fear getting the best of you?

You and me both. We’ve all been there – probably in many different situations throughout our lives. The fear is real, friends, and it takes many forms in our lives. Becuase of this, we’ve talked recently on the blog about finding confidence and overcoming insecurities.

Overcoming fear and being bold is hard, but it is something within our grasp because of the truth of God’s Word and the Holy Spirit within us.

Let’s take a look … (Click below to read the rest of this article!)

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How to Find Hope That Will Not Disappoint You

Hope can be hard to find in difficult times, but there is one kind of hope that will not disappoint. Find out more here!

What do you think of when you think of the word hope? A dream, A wish? Me too, until recently.  My definition of hope has changed. Yesterday, hope used to mean that something good would happen and my current difficult situation would go away or get resolved. Yesterday, hope was something that I “hoped” would happen and just kept waiting for. It was a wish for better times. This kind of hoping led to disappointment. But today hope means something different. It’s trust – trust in a God who never changes and who does what He says He will do.

Click below to find five things that will help you discover hope that does not disappoint.

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Now is the Right Season for Teaching Your Children to Pray!

Now is the season to teach your children to pray! Join us as we talk about creative ideas for instilling the habit of prayer.

Have you ever heard the prayers of a young child? Sometimes they are sweet, sometimes they are funny, but one thing is for sure – a young child knows how to believe. It comes naturally to them. This is why now, while they are young, is the best season for helping them learn Biblical truths and develop good habits in their prayer lives. 

Join me today at Lisa Yvonne’s blog,, as we discuss teaching children to pray! 

Click below to read more and find a direct link to the post!

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